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Frequently Asked Questions

The videos below may answer many questions you have about homeschooling in Michigan and how EPIC works to partner with parents in their freedom to choose the educational path of their children.  Further EPIC frequently asked questions are answered below the videos.


How much do classes cost? What is the payment schedule?

Tuition prices are for the entire year but billed in two equal payments due in August and January.  They do not include any additional supply or lab fees that may be incurred.

K/1 Enrichment (10:30-3:30 block)- $1500
Elementary (per 60 minute classes)- $300

Middle and High School (per 90 minute classes)- $450


Does my child have to do homework and projects?

Yes.  Without prior arrangements, all coursework is required to meet our academic excellence core value.


What if a class is not a good fit for my child?

Parents are responsible for reading through the course descriptions and prerequisites for courses and asking for clarification that may assist them in selecting classes that suit their homeschool needs.  Limited and reasonable accommodations may be available when discussed in tandem with EPIC Administration and instructional staff. We offer the ability to transfer tuition payments to other available classes. Tuition is refunded at 50% until the 2nd week of class each semester


Do you require parent involvement?

Parents are required to provide oversight and accountability to their child. The final responsibility of the education and assessment of the child is on the parent according to Michigan homeschool law. At EPIC, parents are responsible for understanding the policies within the Handbook and holding their children accountable. Parental assistance in coursework is expected at all grade levels as long as developmental stages and authentic work policies are considered. A small volunteer requirement or buyout is also available.


How will EPIC maintain a safe environment for my child?

Every class and study hall takes attendance.  The only unlocked entrance is monitored at all times.  We have procedures in place for all manner of inclement weather and threats. All of our instructors and ancillary staff who interact with students undergo a background check and have been vetted by the EPIC Board.  A Freedom to Learn Plan is in place to mitigate situations outside EPIC control.


Do I have to be a Christian to attend EPIC?

Each family must sign an agreement to our handbook and statement of faith.  EPIC teaches, disciples, and encourages through the lens of a Christian worldview in all classes and extracurricular events.  While it is not required to have a personal relationship with Christ, we ask respect for, adherence to, and not creating adherence to our model.


Is there a dress code?

We ask parents to encourage student dress to reflect modesty and appropriate coverage.


Are personal technology devices allowed?

We want to encourage person-to-person fellowship while at EPIC. Cell phones, iPads, computers, tablets, and other electronic device use are not permitted during class or chapel time unless requested specifically or given permission by the classroom instructor or staff member.


What technology is required for participation in EPIC classes?

All parents and older students will need a Praxi School Portal account to see homework, grades, and more.  An active email account must be on file to receive weekly EPIC announcements.  Students will need access to the internet and printer regularly.  Some classes may require the use of Google Drive or Classroom and other online resources to continue the learning throughout the week.


Are you a ministry of Caledonia CRC?

Caledonia CRC offers use of their facilities and resources to EPIC as a community partner, not as a direct ministry of their church.



EPIC is a Community Partner with

Caledonia CRC

9957 Cherry Valley Ave SE

Caledonia, MI 49316

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students

EPIC Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

©2019 by EPIC Homeschool Academy. Proudly created with

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