EPIC Staff
EPIC's Board of Directors

Sonny Huisman
Karen Miedema
EPIC Board - Service Projects Director
Elementary Physical Education

Jennifer Spica
EPIC Board - Director of Administration

Karen Faber
EPIC Board
Hospitality Coordinator
Michaellynn Hirdes
EPIC Board
Personal Finance

Ally Mollenkamp
EPIC Board
EPIC Connections Coordinator
Elementary Bible

Michele Davis
EPIC Board
EPIC Instructors

Joy Alferink
High School Literature and Speech

Logan Bailey
High School Theology

Rachel Bailey
High School Apologetics

Mandy Bowerman
Middle and High School Art
Andrea Boyd
Elementary Music

Joni Bras
Elementary Odyssey of the Mind

Kris Burghgraef
Middle School Writing & Study Skills

Courtney Christians
Elementary Language Arts

Sarah Cuthbertson
6th/7th Middle School Science, Biology

Karen DeBoer
8th Middle School Science

Molly Goldschmeding
Elementary Science

Stephanie Grinage
High School Composition and Research

Sonja Harrison
American Sign Language - all levels

Maria Krawcyzk
Spanish - all levels
Laura Marsman
High School Chemistry and Anatomy

Rachel Negen
Study Hall Monitor

Kelsie Oeverman
Kindergarten/1st Grade Enrichment

Erin Pawloski
Odyssey of the Mind

Sarah Ramey
Elementary, Middle School, and Intro to High School Bible
Heather Rhodes
STEM Workshop and Middle School Technology
Katie Roodvoets
High School History & Government
Middle School Geography

Leila Schmidt
Kindergarten/1st Enrichment Aide

Heather Sterenberg
Elementary Art

Stacey Woodall
Middle School PE
Ancillary Staff

Sarah Corson
Monday Manager
Jacob Raber
Monday Manager
Staci Tobolic
Administrative Assistant